Uno de los artistas más conocidos de la electrónica actual grabando vídeos y realizando fotografías chocó contra un árbol cuando iba a gran velocidad
Rory Kramer, pese a no tocar unos CDjs en su día a día, es uno de los personajes más conocidos si preguntas a la escena de la electrónica en cualquier parte del planeta. Este chico de pelo largo rubio es, sin duda, uno de los mayores talentos tras una cámara.
The Chainsmokers, quizás el dúo que más en forma esté estos años atrás, lo fichó para que recorra el mundo con ellos, y otros dúos como Krewella o Boxinlion también recurren a sus servicios cada dos por tres.
Pues bien, el encargado de inmortalizar la vida de nuestros ídolos sufrió este fin de semana un accidente en el que casi pierde la vida. Conducía a gran velocidad y perdió el control de su coche, chocando contra un árbol y cayendo sobre su hombro y su rostro por la carretera.
El artista presenta varias contusiones y abrasiones fruto del accidente, y Rory Kramer ha querido contarlo por su propia versión.
“48 hours ago, I lost control of my car at a very high speed on a gravel road, hitting a tree that flipped me upside down, dragging the side of my face and shoulder against the gravel. It peeled my skin right off, leaving me as a bloody mess, screaming for help. I stood there looking at my upside down totaled car in disbelief. I knew I had made a huge mistake of running from my problems of anxiety, depression, dealing with a father with cancer, rather than admitting them and seeking help. I had lost my phone in the process and I was unable to call 911. So I crawled down the road to the nearest farm house and started pounding on the door until they answered and asked them to call an ambulance. I woke up in the ER and called my Dad as he is one of the only numbers I remembered off the top of my head. He went to track down my car so he could find my belongings. When he got to the junk yard, the guy that found my car said he couldn’t believe I walked away from a wreck like that and that my soundboks severed as a roll bar and saved my life.
What I did was stupid and I could have easily lost my life. I am hoping to make changes in my life but I also hope to shed light on the fact you never know the pain someone carries until you lend an ear and listen as a friend. From the outside looking in, my life looks amazing and it is pretty freaking sick but I’m also a human being with real feelings and emotions and how we operate nowadays with social media people hide their issues and problems because we so easily judge and compare each other and are led to believe we can’t have anything wrong with ourselves. So be willing to have deep conversations with those close to you and be understanding of others and their feelings. Here’s to the beginning of the next chapter. Thank you to my family, friends, and nurses/doctors that took care of me and keeping me alive the last few days. Keep runnin’ it !”
En ella habla de una vida que no es tal y como parece en redes sociales. Habla de problemas, ansiedad, depresión, de una vida mucho más complicada de la que aparenta en su Instagram. Este post debe servir para múltiples lecturas. La primera de ellas, que no se debe juzgar por las apariencias, y la segunda y más importante, tu vida y la de los demás está por encima de los problemas.