Rezz vivió una absoluta pesadilla a bordo del barco de las fiestas, Holy Ship!, donde decenas de deejays se reúnen con sus fans en un crucero por Las Bahamas
Rezz era, sin duda, una de las artistas más codiciadas en esta nueva edición de Holy Ship! El crucero más famoso del Bass y Techno en todo el planeta volvía a zarpar desde Miami dirección Bahamas, con un cartel de ensueño y 4 días de absoluto desenfreno.
Para los fans es el paraíso, pero para los artistas no siempre lo es. Rezz, que está viviendo una explosión de fama y reconocimiento a nivel mundial, tuvo una mala experiencia dentro del barco, algo que no supieron comprender algunos de sus fans.
La joven artista estuvo mala del estómago casi toda su estancia en el barco, y como es normal, cuando estás malo quieres paz, tranquilidad y espacio vital. Rezz salió a pinchar a su hora pese a encontrarse mal, pero tras ello, quiso desaparecer en su camarote, sin hacerse fotos ni firmar autógrafos, lo que no gustó a un individuo que escribió lo siguiente en el grupo privado de Facebook de la artista.
“She doesn’t care about her fans”.
Y esta vez, Rezz si quiso contestar.
“Saw a post about a fan saying “I don’t care about my fans” on the boat.
Honestly I’m shocked. I literally signed autographs for an hour and a half.
I felt like I was going to puke for my ENTIRE set yesterday due to the boat rocking and only stayed on stage for the fans that’s it. However, I’m not always gonna be in a mood to take pictures or socialize. I’m a human being and I feel like SHIT some days. (Especially lately I keep getting sick. My stomach is weak as hell) To be honest with u guys, I don’t like photos of me taken in General. I still do it , and will continue to do so. but I say no sometimes when it’s the wrong time – like while I’m eating. Someone came up to me while I had sushi in my mouth at a table and asked for a pic. I say No. or if I’m on the way to the washroom or with a bunch of my friends trying to hang out like everyone else is hanging out with their friends.
I didn’t sign up for this to become some famous person I do this shit cuz I am in love with music production and playing shows for the people who like what I do.
People need to consider this before making some lame ass post about me “puttting my head down while walking by & looking at my phone ”
Take in maybe sometimes it’s overwhelming AF for me..
Especially yesterday I was sooooo sick on the boat.
Anyway. Thanks to those who consider this and i know it is most of you. But to the dude who made that post ….. man like how can u be that inconsiderate.”
Y es que los deejays, aunque a veces algunos no sean conscientes, son personas.